Saturday, December 26, 2009

I put handcream on my hands but they always seem to be dry, what can i do?

Make sure to keep track of your water intake and also your fat intake. You need 4 teaspoons of fat a day and 64 oz of water. That is 2 quarts or 4 pints or 8 glasses of 8 oz a piece for your DAILY water intake.

Also, in the winter time wear gloves. They do more that help keep your hands warm; they protect your skin.

Apply a good lotion after you wash your hands.

Antibacterial soap is not necessary. Use a gentler soap.I put handcream on my hands but they always seem to be dry, what can i do?
Don't use doesn't work that great and gets everything all greasy and yucky. The Body Shop has a few hand protectors that you put on after you wash your hands and it doesn't completely wash away when you do wash your hands. Take a mixture of aloe gel and olive oil (yes the cooking stuff--you might have to fend off Popeye but it works) and rub on your hands as needed. I find that this works best for a long night. Just to be safe I toss on a pair of socks. There is no need to go out and buy special spa gloves or whatever.I put handcream on my hands but they always seem to be dry, what can i do?
Just keep using it; you might also want to get a humidifier to have in your home. Dry skin is often the result of low humidity in the winter months.

I also use vitamin E cream on my hands. It's easily the best thing I've found, it's very inexpensive, and works just as well as the pricey stuff!
Go to a salon and have a paraffin wax treatment OR before you go to bed, smother your hands in Vaseline and then put a pair of cotton gloves or socks on your hands while you sleep. Your hands will be lovely and soft in the morning xxx
use Vaseline handcream. Workss.
After wash them with water put some baby oil and let it dry:)
Put on cocoa butter at night, not the lotion, but the cream.
Try different products. Some types sink in quickly, others sit on the top and feel oily all the time.

Find one which suits you and your skin type.
I switched to seasame oil at night (yes you smell like a chinese takeaway but it helped alot). Also stopped using any handcream with petroleum based products in it (I found they make your skin dry in the long term)
go to a specialist. I don't think there is a doctor among us here.
wash your hands with warm water and exfoliate with a sugar/salt mix scrub with a little oil in it (gets rid of the dead skin), then get some neutrogena foot cream, apply it generously, put socks over your hands, and go to sleep. it's much thicker than a hand cream and u do it overnight so it's like a deep treatment.

during the day, just apply lotion whenever u get a break. soon you'll do it without really even thinking.

that was a very good recommendation i got from a photographer when i was a hand model. it works soooooo well. my hands always were shoot ready after doing this.

also treat yourself to a warm paraffin wax manicure at a spa or with a home kit when you run into some extra cash. it it feels goooood. =]
do you wash your hands alot? if you get a water softener installed it can help.

wear cotten gloves just after applying moisturiser for about 30 mons to get it to settle in, and wear leather gloves to protect you hands when you go out.

If you have a dog/cat, dont stoke them too much or you will likely want to wash your hands alot and defy the point in putting on moisturiser in the first place -either that or cost yourself a small fortune in replacing the cream when you have to constantly reapply it.

If it itches alot or flakes alot go see a doctor as it could be a type of dermititus/exma
Try putting vaseline on your hands at night, and then putting a pair of socks over them. I know it sounds strange, but it works. Sleep with the vaseline and socks all night and in the morning your hands will be so soft. You can also try putting the vaseline on your hands, putting the hot water on in the sink, and steaming them, then put the socks on. Make sure you dont scald yourself by putting your hands in the hot water. Just put them through the steam after you put on the vaseline. It works for me. Good luck!
You are dehydrated. Try drinking a couple more glasses of water a day over a month or so and see how you do. Nothing external will help you. Your body needs more moisture.
Last thing at night lather your hands in hand cream %26amp; put on a pair of cotton beauty gloves ( you can buy them from all good cosmetic counters) and sleep with them on. In the morning your hands will be lovely and soft.

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