Saturday, December 26, 2009

Does overuse of antibacterial hand cleanser cause your hands to be less efficient at fighting the germs by...?

itself, without the help of the cleanser? Just something I heard from someone. You need bacteria so the things that fight it stay in shape or whatever?Does overuse of antibacterial hand cleanser cause your hands to be less efficient at fighting the germs by...?
The problem with sanitizer is that it kills ALL bacteria -- even the good stuff that helps us fight off infection. It definitely has it's place and should be used in some situations, BUT the general overuse by most people will eventually make the bad bacteria mutate into something stronger that will hit us harder when we do get sick. Parents who sanitize the hell out of their kids, constantly, are really doing them a disservice because it means when they do pick something up somewhere down the road, it will be something that is stronger and harder to fight off. Your immune system is there for a reason. Allowing it to work as it is supposed to only makes your ';defense'; stronger. If you never let it work for you then it will be depleted when you need it to work the most.Does overuse of antibacterial hand cleanser cause your hands to be less efficient at fighting the germs by...?
Absolutely. You should not use antibacterials at home. They kill the ';good'; bacteria as well as the bad. You need the good bacteria to stay healthy. Washing with normal soap will be just fine. Antibacterials are necessary in a hospital where there are contaminated fluids, but these are a different grade and are more effective. Some people swear by antibacterials, but they are causing ';bad'; germs to mutate and become stronger.
Hand sanitizer not only kills all bacteria, good and bad, but when overused it's possible to develop an immunity to the formula.

It's best to stick to the old-fashioned scrub %26amp;%26amp; rinse

There are good bacteria and bad bacteria. Anti-bacterial hand cleaner kills both, supposedly.
Yes, and that's basically the problem with those cleaners: they kill the good bacteria as well as the bad.

1 comment:

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